○ 日時: 13/2/9(金) 18:57- (JST)
○ ISSの方向: AZ: 249-328-45 EL:35.6 @仙台<JAMSATより>
○ アップリンク: 東海市立横須賀中学校
○ コールサイン: 8N2TOKAI
○ ISS Op:
○ 受信周波数: 145.80MHz(ハンディ+Whipで受信可能です)
○ 最新情報:
○ 質問内容:
1. Can you see Northern lights from the space station?
2. What made you decide, to become an astronaut?
3. How does the sun look like from the space?
4. Can you see the polar ice from space?
5. What is the hardest training being an astronaut?
6. If you need surgery, in space station, What do you do?
7. What do you want to take to space next time?
8. Is there a day and night in the space station?
9. How many times does your spaceship go around the earth in a day?
10. When you come back to the earth, what do you want to do first?
11. What's inconvenience in weightlessness?
12. What is the most interesting examination to become an astronaut?
13. How does it look like while circling the earth?
14. Have you ever seen an alien?
15. How do you sleep in space?